Job Matching with Python

a sample of a python project for human resources.


February 1, 2024


HR professionals often go through the process of matching jobs from various compensation surveys to determine the pay ranges for related job codes. However, this is often a manual and lengthy process involving a lot of human judgement. One way to that HR can use Python to save time in this process is by building a kth-nearest neighbor model with sci-kit learn to “fuzzy-match” jobs.

So let’s get started by importing all the relevant modules.

import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
import difflib
import regex as re
from ftfy import fix_text
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
import sparse_dot_topn.sparse_dot_topn as ct
import time
from great_tables import GT, exibble
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
import seaborn as sns
import warnings

pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None) #show all columns when using head()

pd.options.display.float_format = '{:.2f}'.format
np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # suppres scientific notation


Next, we will load the CSV files from each survey. We need to encode the files in the default Microsoft format (code page 1252). Let’s take a peek at the first few rows of those files too.

##| echo: false
obj_path = "C:\\Users\\johna\\OneDrive\\Documents\\Python\\py_projects\\proj-jobmatch\\"
sys.path.insert(0, obj_path)
##| echo: true

### survey Job Data

survey_a = pd.read_csv(obj_path + 'survey_a_jobs.csv', encoding='cp1252')

preview_a = shuffle(survey_a) #randomize
preview_a['Description'] = preview_a['Description'].str[:50]
preview_a = preview_a.head(n=3)

survey_b = pd.read_csv(obj_path + 'survey_b_jobs.csv', encoding='cp1252')
preview_b = shuffle(survey_b) #randomize
preview_b['Description'] = preview_b['Description'].str[:150]
preview_b = preview_b.head(n=3)

Job Code Job Title Description Family
0711_2 Water/Wastewater Engineer I Job Summary: Designs, implements, and maintains wa Research
2112_2 Physicist IV Job Summary: Researches, studies, and collects dat Finance
13171 Sales Analysis Director Senior Job Summary: Leads and directs the sales analysis Research

Now let’s take another look at the number of jobs per job family for each survey.

g = sns.catplot(x="Family", data=survey_a, kind="count", order=survey_a.Family.value_counts().index, height=3, aspect=2)
g.set_axis_labels("", "Count of Jobs - Survey A")
Job Code Job Title Description Family
count 358 358 358 358
unique 345 355 358 7
top 11175 Mechanical Engineer II Assists in maintaining financial records and e... IT
freq 3 2 1 147

g2 = sns.catplot(x="Family", data=survey_b, kind="count", order=survey_b.Family.value_counts().index, height=3, aspect=2)
g2.set_axis_labels("", "Count of Jobs - Survey B")
Job Code Job Title Description Family
count 367 367 367 367
unique 352 364 367 7
top 2111 Cost Accountant IV Provides administrative support to for one or ... IT
freq 3 2 1 150

Ok they both look very similar, so I see no reason why not to proceed, first by creating a column to join the data on. Then comes the good part. Here we set the model parameters, removing all special characters and setting the whole string to the same case. We’ll try to match every third character (“n=3”) so as to maximize the potential matches.

survey_a['match_column'] = survey_a['Job Title'] + '_' + survey_a['Description'] #columns to join on
survey_b['match_column'] = survey_b['Job Title'] + '_' + survey_b['Description']

def ngrams(string, n=3):
    string = str(string)
    string = fix_text(string) # fix text
    string = string.encode("ascii", errors="ignore").decode() #remove non ascii chars
    string = string.lower()
    chars_to_remove = [")","(",".","|","[","]","{","}","'",":","-"]
    rx = '[' + re.escape(''.join(chars_to_remove)) + ']'
    string = re.sub(rx, '', string)
    string = string.replace('&', 'and')
    string = string.replace(',', ' ')
    string = string.replace('-', ' ')
    string = string.replace('_', ' ')
    string = string.title() # normalise case - capital at start of each word
    string = re.sub(' +',' ',string).strip() # get rid of multiple spaces and replace with a single
    string = ' '+ string +' ' # pad names for ngrams...
    string = re.sub(r'[,-./]|\sBD',r'', string)
    ngrams = zip(*[string[i:] for i in range(n)])
    return [''.join(ngram) for ngram in ngrams]

#convert to unicode
unique_a = survey_a['match_column'].unique().astype('U')
unique_b = survey_b['match_column'].unique().astype('U')

This next step vectorizes the data using a term-frequency / inverse document frequency method common to vector databases. Yes, this is effectively the same method that you would use to build a vector database common to generative AI applications.

### Build vectorizer
vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=1, analyzer=ngrams)

### Nearest neighbors on matching column
tfidf = vectorizer.fit_transform(unique_a.astype('U'))
nbrs = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=1, n_jobs=-1).fit(tfidf)

### Matching query, assigning numerical values to the distances between each row in the match columns
def getNearestN(query):
  queryTFIDF_ = vectorizer.transform(query)
  distances, indices = nbrs.kneighbors(queryTFIDF_)
  return distances, indices

### Getting nearest N
distances, indices = getNearestN(unique_b)

### convert back to a list
unique_b = list(unique_b)

### find matches
matches = []
for i,j in enumerate(indices):
  temp = [round(distances[i][0],2), unique_a[j][0],unique_b[i]]

### building data frame
matches = pd.DataFrame(matches) 

matches = matches.rename({0: "match_confidence",
                1: "match_column_a",
                2:"match_column_b"}, axis=1)

### bring survey a data back in
matches_a = survey_a.merge(matches, left_on='match_column', right_on='match_column_a', how='left', suffixes=('','_a'))

### merge back with survey b data
matches_all = pd.merge(matches_a, survey_b, left_on='match_column_b', right_on='match_column', how='left', suffixes=('','_b'))

### clean up
matches_all.columns = matches_all.columns.str.replace(' ', '_') #replaces spaces with underscores
matches_all.columns = map(str.lower, matches_all.columns) #make all column headers lowercase
matches_all = matches_all.dropna(subset=['match_confidence']) #drop NAs

best_match_score = matches_all

### flip signs so that higher confidence is better and round
best_match_score.loc[:, 'match_confidence'] = round(
  (best_match_score.loc[:, 'match_confidence']-min(best_match_score.loc[:, 'match_confidence']))/
  (max(best_match_score.loc[:, 'match_confidence'])-min(best_match_score.loc[:, 'match_confidence']))


### save as csv and read back in
best_match_score.to_csv(obj_path + 'best_match_score.csv', index=False)
preview_c = pd.read_csv(obj_path + 'best_match_score.csv', encoding='cp1252')

Hooray. Now we’ve built the model. Let’s sort and pick out the final columns we need before we preview a random sample of the final data.

preview_c = preview_c.sort_values(by=['match_confidence'], ascending=False)

preview = preview_c[["job_code","job_title","description", "job_code_b","job_title_b",

preview_final = preview

preview_final['description'] = preview_final['description'].str[:150] + " . . . "
preview_final['description_b'] = preview_final['description_b'].str[:150] + " . . . "

preview_shuffle = shuffle(preview_final).head(n=10)
job_code job_title description job_code_b job_title_b description_b match_confidence
2112_2 Physicist IV Job Summary: Researches, studies, and collects data on matter, energy, and forces. Job Duties: Designs and implements experiments using scientific met . . . 2118_2 Physicist II Job Summary: Researches, studies, and collects data on matter, energy, and forces. Job Duties: Designs and implements experiments using scientific met . . . 0.224
3817 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst III Job Summary: Applies knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to a variety of projects for analytical, land use, and environmental purposes; . . . 3810 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst II Job Summary: Applies knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to a variety of projects for analytical, land use, and environmental purposes; . . . 0.071
11853 Reliability Analyst (Aircraft) II Job Summary: Collects, aggregates, and analyzes data measuring the performance and reliability of aircraft systems and components. Job Duties: Evaluat . . . 11854 Reliability Analyst (Aircraft) III Job Summary: Collects, aggregates, and analyzes data measuring the performance and reliability of aircraft systems and components. Job Duties: Evaluat . . . 0.092
3704 Value Analyst III Job Summary: Conducts financial analysis of purchasing or supply chain activities with the goal of reducing costs while preserving organizational perf . . . 6580_2 Value Analyst I Job Summary: Conducts financial analysis of purchasing or supply chain activities with the goal of reducing costs while preserving organizational perf . . . 0.204
202 Mortgage Loan Officer I Job Summary: Markets and FHA/VA or conventional residential mortgage loans. Job Duties: Meets with realtors, developers, builders, or potential custom . . . 203_2 Mortgage Loan Officer II Job Summary: Markets and FHA/VA or conventional residential mortgage loans. Job Duties: Meets with realtors, developers, builders, or potential custom . . . 0.082
3375 IT Systems Application Analyst I Job Summary: Analyzes and evaluates existing or proposed systems and devices to process data. Job Duties: Prepares charts and diagrams to assist in pr . . . 3370 IT Systems Application Analyst II Job Summary: Analyzes and evaluates existing or proposed systems and devices to process data. Job Duties: Prepares charts and diagrams to assist in pr . . . 0.184
3053 Research and Development Executive Job Summary: Responsible for all operations associated with research projects meant to develop new or improved products, processes, or services for an . . . 11731 Research and Development Director Job Summary: Directs and oversees a portfolio of research projects that are meant to develop new or improved products, processes, or services. Job Dut . . . 0.224
11101 Sales Analysis Director Job Summary: Directs the sales analysis function of an organization. Job Duties: Oversees the collection and evaluation of sales data as well as the a . . . 73_4 Sales Analyst Manages and administers sales related data processes for the organization’s product/services and competitive products/services including reporting a . . . 0.786
1410 IT Client/Server Database Analyst V Job Summary: Evaluates and designs existing or proposed systems to access large-scale client/server databases. Job Duties: Analyzes, evaluates, and pr . . . 1418_2 IT Client/Server Database Analyst IV Job Summary: Evaluates and designs existing or proposed systems to access large-scale client/server databases. Job Duties: Analyzes, evaluates, and pr . . . 0.194
3817 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst III Job Summary: Applies knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to a variety of projects for analytical, land use, and environmental purposes; . . . 3818 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Analyst IV Job Summary: Applies knowledge of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to a variety of projects for analytical, land use, and environmental purposes; . . . 0.082

Looks like several good matches. One more preview of the descriptive statistics, and then I think we’re done.

count 367.00
mean 0.43
std 0.28
min 0.00
25% 0.17
50% 0.40
75% 0.66
max 1.00

Now with this file, we can pull in pay ranges for similar jobs with a quantified measure of the degree to which we have a match between surveys. Success.

Thanks for taking a look at this sample of how to perform job-matching in Python. Hope you find it useful.

Thanks to Josh Taylor for providing the basics of this method.